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New line of lightly salted salmon fish under AVACHA brand

We are pleased to introduce our new range of lightly salted salmon fish – a true gourmet delicacy! In this category you will find a variety of species such as pink salmon, sockeye and chum salmon. Victoria LLC products under AVACHA brand are created in close cooperation with the leading enterprises of Kamchatka, including Vostochny Bereg LLC, RPZ Maksimovsky LLC, Kolkhoz named after Bekerev JSC, Ukinsky Liman LLC.

We are proud to offer consumers products that are leaders in high quality in the market, providing excellent taste, freshness and high nutritional properties. Enjoy the true taste of the sea with our salmon fish!

High quality and freshness

Every fillet of lightly salted salmon fish that leaves our factory undergoes a strict quality control system. We use only selected fish caught in the ecologically clean waters of the Pacific Ocean. Thanks to modern technologies of processing and salting, we preserve all the useful substances and rich flavor for which salmon is valued.

Environmentally friendly and caring for nature

We strictly follow the principles of sustainable fisheries, working only with trusted partners who share our respect for nature. We make sure that every batch of fish is harvested in an environmentally friendly manner, which is confirmed by appropriate certificates.

Usefulness of salmon fish

Lightly salted pink salmon, nerka and chum salmon are real treasure troves of vitamins and useful microelements. They contain high amounts of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and general health. Our products will not only please your palate, but will be a real addition to your family’s healthy diet.

Uniqueness of our products

Each type of salmon fish has its own unique taste characteristics: pink salmon has a soft, delicate taste, nerka pleases with rich color and aroma, and chum salmon has an amazing texture and the same beneficial properties. Immerse yourself in the world of exquisite flavors! Enjoy a variety of our lightly salted fish that will add a touch of incredible freshness and superior quality to your menu.

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